Our Committees

Student Activities

Student Activities Committee develops a comprehensive program for the educational community for the purpose of promoting and encouraging engineering and HVAC&R careers.

Membership Promotion

Membership Promotion Committee publicizes the aims, activities, achievements, and scientific & educational purposes of the society to encourage qualified persons to apply for membership.

Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA)

The YEA committee provides programs, technical tours, and networking opportunities for young members. Any current ASHRAE Affiliate, Associate, or Member who is 35 years of age or younger is considered a YEA member.

Research Promotion

The Research Promotion Committee plans and implements programs within the Society to generate funds to support ASHRAE research.

Chapter Technology Transfer

CTTC is selecting and booking the year’s technical speakers for our Chapter programs.

Government Affairs Committee

Government Advocacy Committee is dedicated to advocating and educating our local political leaders and government officials on ASHRAE’s work in the HVAC&R industry.


The responsibilities of the Sustainability Committee include developing and coordinating a chapter-sponsored Community Sustainability project to help local charities lower costs related to HVAC & R.


The Refrigeration Chair and Committee are also subcommittees of the CTTC. This committee will organize at least one tour of a refrigeration-related facility in our Chapter area.


The historian committee encourages and maintains a continuing interest in ASHRAE and Industry history on a chapter level.

Honors & Awards

ASHRAE’s Honors and Awards program recognizes the dedicated ASHRAE Members who give freely of their time and expertise to fulfill the Society’s mission of HVAC&R to serve humanity and provide a sustainable world. The chapter encourages & helps to recognize those members who deserve to be thanked by nominating them for an appropriate award.

Electronic Communications Committee

The Communications Committee identifies the events of the chapter and regularly posts them on the chapter website and monthly newsletter to keep the chapter pieces of information updated.

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This web site is maintained by the ASHRAE India Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at http://www.ashrae.org. ashrae